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You may chose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.

William Wilberforce




Larry Pratt

Executive Director, Gun Owners of America

It is good to know that New Jersey has a patriotic, Christian voice the Faith & Freedom Coalition.  The liberties we enjoy in our country would never have been possible were it not for our Christian founding.  May the Coalition keep that tradition alive and well!
Larry Pratt


Dr. Rick Scarborough

Endorsement coming

Daryn Iwicki

Director, Americans For Prosperity

Endorsement coming

Anna Little

I am proud to support the work of Faith and Freedom Coalition of NJ restoring your values and bringing your voice to government. I urge every citizen to consider forming a local chapter to join the coalition. We can't change our government without changing the people we send there. Remember We The People are in charge and we must direct our government. 

James O'Keefe

Investigative Reporter & Activist

Endorsement coming

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